
The interface file core.ali provides the following declarations.

deferred class A:ANY


false: BOOLEAN
true:  BOOLEAN
(==>) (a,b:BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
(and) (a,b:BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
(or)  (a,b:BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN
(not) (a:BOOLEAN):   BOOLEAN -> a ==> false
(=)   (a,b:BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -> (a ==> b) and (b ==> a)

(=)  (a,b:A): BOOLEAN   deferred end
(/=) (a,b:A): BOOLEAN   -> not (a = b)

        a = a
        a /= a ==> false
        a = b or a /= b

        -- negation
        (not a ==> false) ==> a       -- indirect proof
        false ==> a                   -- ex falso quodlibet
        -- conjunction
        a and b ==> a                 -- and elimination
        a and b ==> b
        a ==> b ==> a and b           -- and introduction
        -- disjunction
        a ==> a or b                  -- or introduction
        b ==> a or b
        a or b ==> (a ==> c) ==> (b ==> c) ==> c  -- or elimination
        a or not a                    -- excluded middle
        a or a ==> a                  -- idempotence of 'or'

The module declares the classes ANY and BOOLEAN and their basic functions equality =, inequality /=, implication ==>, conjunction and, disjunction or and negation not.

The class ANY is an abstract class, the keyword deferred is used to express it and the class variable A is declared which represents for the scope of the module any class which inherits ANY (more on abstract classes and inheritance in the chapter Abstract Classes).

The class BOOLEAN inherits the class ANY i.e. it implements the equality function require by its parent type and inherits the inequality function and the properties of equality and inequality declared for the class ANY.

The class BOOLEAN has (constants and) functions which have no definition (they are just declared) and two functions which are declared together with a definition.

Boolean negation is defined as

(not) (a:BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN -> a ==> false

This gives the proof engine the possibility to evaluate the functions. Whenever it sees an expression of the form not some_expression it can expand the definition and evaluate the expression to some_expression ==> false.

Since BOOLEAN is a builtin type the compiler knows it and choses the most effective instruction to evaluate a negated expression at runtime. The definition given here is used to define the semantics of the function.

The implication operator ==> is right associative. The implication chain a ==> b ==> c must be parsed as a ==> (b ==> c). I.e. a implies the implication b ==> c. Given a it is possible to conclude b ==> c. Give a and b it is possible first to conclude b ==> c and then c.

The implication operator is the most important operator because the most important reasoning of the proof engine is based on implication.

The operators and and or have left associativity.

Lazy Evaluation at Runtime

At runtime all binary boolean operators are evaluated lazily. I.e. if in the expression a and b a evaluates to false then b is no longer evaluated. The same applies to a ==> b. In both cases b can contain undefined expressions as long as a evaluates to false. For disjunction the opposite is the case. If in the expression a or b a evaluates to true then b is no longer evaluated.

Reasoning with Booleans

The boolean functions ==>, and and or are given without definition. How is it possible to reason about expressions containing these functions?

The logic for the implication operator is hardwired into the language and the compiler. The proof engine can apply the modus ponens law i.e. given a and a ==> b it concludes b. This is a kind of elimination rule for ==>.

The boolean constant true and the operators and and or are defined in the implementation file, but their definitions are not disclosed in the interface file. Instead of a definition some theorems are listed in the interface file which have been proved in the implementation file. For details on the form of theorems see chapter Theorems.

These theorems are sufficient to do any reasoning with boolean operators.

The negation laws allow us to do indirect proofs and conclude from falsehood anything.

The elimination and introduction rules for and allow us to split up any conjunction in its atomic parts and allow us to conclude conjunctions from its atomic parts.

The introduction rule of or should be evident. The elimination rule for or allows us to do proofs by case split. If we are able to proof the goal c under the assumption of a and can prove it under the assumption of b and we have already proved the proposition a or b then we can conclude c because one of the assumptions is always true.

The law of the excluded middle asserts that boolean logic is a two valued logic.

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