Pseudoinductive Types


Pseudoinductive types are types which behave like inductive types, but don't have an inductive implementation.

These types are useful in order to define numbers and strings which have an efficient implementation but have all the comfort of inductive types like recursive functions and induction proofs.

Implementations of numbers and strings by inductive types are notoriously inefficient.

The most straightforward way to define natural numbers is by an inductive type with one constructor for the number zero and one constructor to represent the successor function. The number 100 would be represented in this implementation by

0.successor.successor. ..... .successor

i.e. a linked list of 101 linked objects.

This implementation can be improved by using a binary representation of positive naturals with one constructor for the number 1, one constructor to duplicate the number and one constructor to duplicate the number and add one to it. The number 100 would be represented in this implementation by


still needing 7 linked objects one for each bit.

A machine number having 32 or 64 bits in one word is a much more efficient implementation for numbers and has very fast arithmetic operations executed by the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) of the processor.

However it is difficult to describe the semantics of machine numbers and their arithmetic operations in a way which is easy to understand.

A similar problem applies to character strings. Strings could be represented by lists of characters. However this representation requires a linked object for each character in the string. Since we want to be able to store arbitrarily long strings containing some megabyte of information efficiently we want a more compact representation.

An array of characters or an array of segments of arrays of characters is a very compact way to represent strings of arbitrary size. However in order to describe the semantics of strings and its operations a list representation is far more appropriate. Therefore we want a compact implementation of strings which logically behave like lists of characters.

Machine Number

In order to demonstrate the power of pseudoinductive types we define an abstract type to represent machine numbers with modulo arithmetic.

deferred class N:BOUNDED_NATURAL

There is a number zero and a greatest number.

0: N         deferred end

greatest: N  deferred end

We have a successor function which wraps around at the greatest number and a predecessor function which is the inverse of the successor function. Furthermore we need an axiom stating that any number is different from its successor.

successor (n:N): N deferred end

predecessor (n:N): N   deferred end

all (n:N)
        n = greatest ==> n.successor = 0
        n.successor.predecessor = n
        n /= n.successor

It is convenient to define some other numbers.

1: N  =  0.successor
2: N  =  1.successor

Induction Law

In order to do induction we need an induction law.

all(n:N, p:{N})
        0 in p
        all(n) n /= greatest ==> n in p ==> n.successor in p
        n in p

The premises of this law state that there are two ways to construct an abstract machine number.

  • By the constant 0

  • By applying the successor function to an arbitrary number n different from the greatest number.

Any property which satisfies both premises is satisfied by all numbers. The induction law guarantees that by using the constructors 0 and successor all numbers can be constructed.

The second premise of the induction law has been chosen deliberately with the condition n /= greatest to make both cases non overlapping.

General pattern:

An induction law for an arbitrary type T has the form

all(p:{T}, x:T) pp1 ==> pp2 ==> .... ==> x in p

where the premises pp1, pp2, ... have the form

all(a1,...) cond ==> ra1 in p ==> ra2 in p ==> ... ==> c(a1,...) in p

-- a1,... :   arguments of the constructor 'c'
-- ra1,...:   arguments of the constructor 'c' with type 'T'
-- cond:      any condition on the arguments not involving 'p'

The extra condition cond is optional.

The compiler recognizes an induction law by syntactic analysis and stores the induction law in the type.

Since the abstract type of bounded naturals has an induction law, we can use it to prove that for every number a there exists another number b such that b.successor = a is valid.

        some(k) k.successor = n
    case 0
            greatest.successor = 0
    case m.successor
            m.successor = m.successor

The induction law guarantees that all numbers can be constructed by repeated application of two constructors 0 and successor. It does not provide any facility for the compiler on how to decide which constructor has been used to construct a number and on how to extract the arguments of the constructor. In order to do that we need recognizers and projectors.


Remember that a premise in the induction law of a pseudoinductive type has the form

all(a1,...) cond ==> ra1 in p ==> ... ==> c(a1,...) in p

with the optional additional condition cond. Such a premise is used by the compiler to identify the constructor c.

A recognizer is a computable expression which given any value x of a pseudoinductive type T allows to decide if the value has been constructed by c.

If the constructor c is a constant, then the recognizer is the trivial condition

x = c

provided that equality for the type is not a ghost function.

If the constructor has arguments and there exist arguments a1, a2, ... such that x = c(a1,a2,...), then x might have been constructed by the function c. The compiler uses the optional additional condition cond to extract the noncomputable recognizer condition

some(a1,a2,...) cond and x = c(a1,a2,...)

A recognizer is a computable expression which is equivalent to this condition. I.e. an assertion of the form

all(x:T)  exp = (some(a1,a2,...) cond and x = c(a1,a2,...))
-- exp: computable expression containing 'x'

indicates to the compiler that exp is a candidate for a recognizer condition for the constructor c provided that it is not a ghost expression.

The different cases have to be disjoint. In order to guarantee disjointness the compiler expects to find the assertions

all(a11,a12...,a21,a22,...) rec_i ==> rec_j ==> false

where rec_i and rec_j are recognizer conditions for the different constructors c_i and c_j.

Let us find the recognizers for our model of machine numbers. Since one of the constructors is the constant zero the trivial recognizer condition is

n = 0

For the constructor successor the compiler extracts from the induction principle the noncomputable condition

some(k) k /= greatest  and  n = k.successor

Since we have already proved that for any number n there exists a number k such that k.successor = n we just have to exclude that k is the greatest number. This can be guaranteed if n is different from zero.

         (n /= 0) = (some(k) k /= greatest and n = k.successor)
         ...  -- proof needed

In order to prove this assertion the forward and the backward direction of the boolean equivalence have to be proved. The proof is a standard excercise and left out here.

Furthermore we have to make sure that both recognizer conditions are disjoint.

        n = 0
        n /= 0

This condition is trivially valid.

That completes the implicit declaration of the two recognizers n = 0 and n /= 0. Both conditions are obviously computable. The compiler is allowed to compile an as expression of the form n as 0 into n = 0 and an as expression of the form n as successor(_) into n /= 0.


In order to convert inspect expressions of the form

case c1(a11,...) then
case c2(a21,...) then
case c3(a31,...) then

into some computable expression it is not sufficient that the compiler has computable expressions to decide the case, it must have computable expressions to extract the arguments of the constructors as well.

An expression which extracts an argument of a constructor is called a projector. Obviously a projector proj_ij which extracts from the i-th constructor the j-th argument must satisfy the condition

         proj_ij(c(a_i1,...,a_ij,...)) = a_ij

Such an assertion is easy to recognize for the compiler. A constant constructor does not have arguments and therefore does not need a projector.

Equipped with the recognizer expressions and the projector expressions the compiler is able to transform any general inspect expression of a pseudo inductive type into the executable expression

if rec_1(x) then
else if rec_2(x) then

In our example of bounded natural numbers the compiler recognizes in the above stated axiom

n.successsor.predecessor = n

the expression _.predecessor as a projector expression for the constructor successor.

An inspect expression of the form

case n = 0 then
case n.successor then

is translated into the executable expression

if n = 0 the


Inspect expressions or pattern matching expressions can be used to define recursive functions.

(+) (n,k:N): N
    -> inspect
       case 0 then
       case k.successor then
           (n + k).successor

(*) (n,k:N): N
    -> inspect
       case 0 then
       case k.successor then
           (n * k) + n

As with inductive types the compiler can check the wellfoundedness of the recursion by checking that in each recursive call at least one of the arguments is structurally smaller than the corresponding argument in the origninal call.

These recursive definitions define the functions + and *. Obviously the definitions are not very efficient to execute, because the addition of k to another number n needs k operations.

Any type which inherits BOUNDED_NATURAL can define a more efficient implemention of these functions as long as the definition in the heir is equivalent to the corresponding recursive definition.

Furthermore we can proof a lot of properties of recursive functions like associativity, commutativity, distributivity by using the corresponding induction principle. All these properties are inherited by any type which inherits the pseudoinductive type.

Note that functions using arbitrarly complex inspect expressions can be translated to something executable. E.g. the function

(<=) (n,k:N): BOOLEAN
    -> inspect
       case 0,_ then
       case _, 0 then
       case a.successor, b.successor then
           a <= b

can be translated into the equivalent function

(<=) (n,k:N): BOOLEAN
    -> if n = 0 then
       else if k = 0 then
           n.predecessor <= k.predecessor

The compiler can verify the soundness of the recursion in the original definition. The soundness in the translated code is not that easy to check. In order to check the soundness of the translated function it is necessary that BOUNDED_NATURAL has some wellfounded relation < and that each recursive call makes some expression smaller with respect to the wellfounded relation <.

(<=) (n,k:N): BOOLEAN
        -> if n = 0 then
           else if k = 0 then
               n.predecessor <= k.predecessor

This requires much more machinery. The definition of < already needs some order relation which has to be defined independently of <= in order to avoid circularity. It is not impossible to do but not as elegant as the usage of pattern matching with its syntactic checking of soundness of the recursion.


Pseudoinductive types are not a completely new concept. Philip Wadler described in [wadler1987] the concept of view types. View types like pseudoinductive types are types which look like inductive data types or free data types. A quote from the article:

Pattern matching and data abstraction are important concepts in designing programs but they do not fit well together. Pattern matching depends on making public a free data type representation while data abstraction depends on hiding the representation. This paper proposes the views mechanism as a means of reconciling this conflict. A view allows any type to be viewed as a free data type thus combining the clarity of pattern matching with the efficiency of data abstraction.

The concept of view types targets mainly at making pattern matching available to types which are not inductive/free data types. Here we want to make pattern matching and induction proofs available to types which are not inductive/free data types.

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