Get the Alba Compiler

The compiler is written in OCaml and needs an installation of the ocaml compiler better than version 4.03.0. Furthermore it needs the builder ocamlbuild, the parser generator menhir and the ocaml finder ocamlfind.

It is best to install the ocaml package manager and the compiler. Both are available for a lot of platforms and operating systems. Instructions on how to do the installation can be found on

Having the ocaml package manager and the ocaml compiler you can issue the commands

opam install alba

This command installs the Alba compiler and the base library within the corresponding opam directories.

The command


should show a short help text on how to use the compiler.

Use the Alba Compiler

The Albatross compiler compiles packages or more exactly modules within a package. A package is a directory containing Albatross source files of the form <name>.al and <name>.ali.

In order to compile a package it first has to be initialized by issueing the command

alba init

within the directory of your source files.

The command

alba status

shows which files need compilation or recompilation. The compiler has an automatic dependency management and compiles only packages which need compilation or recompilation.

The command

alba compile <module-name>

compiles the module name and all modules which are used by the module name and need compilation or recompilation. Note that the module has to be named without the extension *.al or *.ali.

The command

alba compile

compiles the whole package i.e. all modules of the package which need compilation or recompilation.

In order to force recompilation even if not need you can issue the command

alba compile -force <module-name>

If the Albatross compiler has been installed via opam then the base library has been installed as well and the Albatross compiler is able to find it. In case that you have written 2 or more packages and one of the package uses not only the base library but also some of your own packages, you have to tell the compiler where to find the used packages.

The command

alba compile -I <path1> -I <path2> ... <module-name>

compiles the module name and searches for used packages in the paths path1, path2, ...

You can set the search paths for packgages by setting the environment variable ALBA_LIBRARY_PATH. E.g. in the bash shell you can type

export ALBA_LIBRARY_PATH=<path1>:<path2>:<path3>

to instruct the compiler to search for libraries in the corresponding paths.

If you want to compile a package residing in a different directory than the current directory you can indicate this to the compiler via the option -work-dir.

alba compile -work-dir <path-to-source> <module-name>

The command

alba help <command>

gives a short description on how the use the command command e.g. use alba help compile to show the options and arguments for the compile command.

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